Off Grid Solar Load Calculator
When you’re living off the grid, the electricity used by every light bulb, charging cell phone, and appliance clock matters; a lot. If you use more electricity than your solar produces or than is stored in your batteries, you can’t just buy a little extra this month from your utility – you must generate it yourself, or off go the lights.
That’s why accurately estimating how much power you use is important information when sizing an off grid solar system.
READ: 4 Easy Steps to Off Grid Solar
Use our Off Grid Solar Load Calculator to determine your usage.
Click Add Entry below to add an appliance or device. For things like light bulbs and cell phones you can guesstimate the quantity and hours per day of use. For appliances like refrigerators, water pumps and washing machines, the more accurate the information the better. You can use the Energy Star data, nameplate data and estimated usage, or contact the manufacturer for power use info.