Join Us! Vote NO on I-2066


I-2066 is not about what you think it is. It is funded by powerful interest groups as part of a nationwide effort by fossil fuel corporations and well-funded interest groups that want to make as much money as possible while Washington families pay higher energy bills.

What Does I-2066 Do?

It repeals requirements set in House Bill (HB)1589 adopted last March that will:

  • Force utilities to keep spending on outdated technology, putting the extra costs on your bill.
  • Strip local leaders at the city and county level of the ability to make decisions in the best interest of their local community’s energy future.
  • Jeopardize energy efficiency programs and would take away important customer rebates, raising costs for Washingtonians.

Learn more facts about HB1589 by following this link to Puget Sound Energy’s Fact Sheet.

Misinformation About HB 1589

  1. HB 1589 does not include a ban on natural gas, and it does not change a utility’s obligation to serve natural gas to their customers.
  2. There is no rate increase associated with HB 1589. It’s a planning bill that streamlines processes and provides more transparency for customers.
  3. Nothing in the bill forces electrification. What it does is require utilities to develop a scenario demonstrating the costs of electrification needed to meet increased future demand for electricity.

Be an informed voter. Read for yourself that HB 1589 is not what opponents say it is.

JOIN US in defeating this harmful initiative. Pledge to VOTE NO ON I-2066.