UTC Approves PSE Request to Extend Net Metering
On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the Washington Utility and Trade Commission (UTC) granted approval to Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to continue offering full retail rate net metering “to Customers that have applied for interconnection of a new or modified Net Metering System until December 31, 2025, or when a replacement Net Metering schedule is in place for new Net Metered Customers, whichever is later.”
This action was necessary because PSE was approaching the minimum net metering requirement mandated by Washington law. Once this requirement is met, a utility company has the option to switch to an alternative rate for surplus solar energy exported to the grid, although it is not mandatory. However, since PSE is an investor-owned utility regulated by the UTC, they were obligated to formally apply for approval in order to maintain full retail rate net metering after reaching the legal minimum.
In addition to committing to continue net metering, PSE has pledged to work in good faith with the solar industry and other stakeholders to identify the most suitable successor to the current net metering rate. They have also promised to give consumers reasonable advance notice prior to any changes away from retail rate net metering, and allow sufficient time for those with approved net metering interconnection agreements to complete their projects.
These commitments made by PSE are significant because they offer transparency and assurance to potential solar adopters, allowing them to make informed decisions about their solar investments for the next two years. It also acts as a safeguard against unethical marketing tactics used by non-local companies. Some of these companies have used claims that net metering will end soon to pressure potential clients into signing contracts. Additionally, it provides vital information to the solar industry, aiding in crucial business and workforce development decisions, thereby helping to keep small businesses alive and living wage jobs available all around our state.
Fire Mountain Solar applauds PSE for taking these important steps. It demonstrates a commendable level of collaboration and partnership from a utility company towards the solar industry. We highly appreciate PSE’s recognition of their customers’ desire to generate their own electricity and be fairly compensated for the benefits they provide to the grid. And we are grateful for PSE’s support of local installers like us by providing the necessary information to make well-informed business choices.
Finally, we commend the UTC for granting the request in recognition of the overwhelming support from consumers for the extension and the value that rooftop solar brings to the grid.